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Multicultural Father's Day Celebration With The Family Food Fest Atlanta - Sunday June 17th

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The Local Take speaks with "Chef Extraordinaire" Rick Joyner with the Family Food Fest Atlanta about this year's Father's Day event taking place on Sunday, June 17th from 3pm - 6pm at the Georgia Freight Depot. For the last few years, families join together in celebration of Dads at this event.  There's entertainment, a drumline, kid's zone, and great food.  Unlike other food celebrations this festival provides Dad with a meal, not just a sample. 

Rick shares with us the story of Sam Meadows, a barbecue master who began his own catering company after coming in first place in the 2017 Family Food Fest. He also mentions celebrity chefs that share techniques and recipes from G. Garvin to Tregay Fraser and more. 

For more information about the Family Food Fest 

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