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The Local Take: Senior Citizens and COVID-19 Discussion With Dr. Jonathan Flacker from JenCare

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This week on WCLK's The Local Take(Saturdays 8am) I speak with Dr. Jonathan Flacker from JenCare Senior Health Centers.  Dr. Flacker explains that JenCare specializes in the primary care dedicated only to senior citizens.  They are a one-stop healthcare provider located in neighborhoods. They coordinate the care for seniors who often see multiple doctors. 

I ask Dr. Flacker why it is so important for seniors, especially those over 65 to "shelter in place" and limit their time around others.  He speaks to COVID-19 being a novel virus and there not necessarily being a protocol for treatment. There is no vaccine and the medical community is learning new things about the virus almost every day.  He warns of people in our community who may have the virus but are asymptomatic without any knowledge of their status. 

I ask about those seniors who are true extroverts and are craving human company. He speaks to using technology (Google Hangouts, ZOOM, WhatsAPP) for virtual meeting. He also mentions seniors taking this time to check things off their bucket list such as learning a new language, reading or writing a great American novel, or creating a family photo album with names and dates.  Learning a craft, photography or crochet.  He reminds us that seniors don’t have to sit at home being bored.

He also gives advice to caregivers. Act as if you are infected, wear a mask and practice self-distancing. He speaks to the importance of washing our hands and not touching our face.

For more information on CDC COVID-19 recommendations for Seniors

For more information on JenCare Senior Health Centers

For more information on Dr. Jonathan Flacker

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