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The Local Take Talks Life Love and Legacy with Dione Traci Duckett

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This week on WCLK's The Local Take(Saturdays 8:00am), I want to introduce our listeners to Dione Traci Duckett, an attorney specializing in Elder Law and Estate Planning. Ms. Duckett will be hosting a new show called Life Love and Legacy on WCLK to inform our listeners about this area of law. The first broadcast will take place on Saturday, February 13th at 8:30am immediately following The Local Take.

Many of us are taking care of parents, and we've all heard horror stories about people dying without a will. From Aretha Franklin to Prince, families have learned that some challenges can be avoided with estate planning. I know we need this information. I ask how she came to practice this area of law. She shares her career path from corporate to academia to specializing in Elder Law and Estate Planning. 
She speaks about the types of challenges families face when estate planning isn't done. Open communication is necessary, and the best advice is to start planning now. Duckett explains that when you die without a will, the state makes decisions on your behalf. In other words, we all need to have a plan, or the state will have a plan for us. 
I ask about overcoming the cultural barriers to discussing death. She explains that this exists across all cultures.  She speaks about transparency and family planning.  We need to make plans and share decisions with the people who will be part of the plan. She encourages us to use good judgment when deciding who will be responsible for our care and finances. She is hoping that her show will educate our community not only for those in our care but also for ourselves. 
Life, Love, and Legacy will broadcast on each second Saturday of the month, beginning on February 13th immediately following The Local Take at 8:30am. 
More information about Dione Traci Duckett can be found here.

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