Atlanta's Jazz Station--Classic, Cool, Contemporary

Skinny Hightower: Now Or Never

Skinny Hightower returns with  “Now Or Never”  the follow up to his successful Bitter Sweet single from his 4th CD Blue Moon on Trippin N' Rhythm Records.  Skinny has found a successful formula that is anything but cookie cutter. This single will find a home on the radio in just about any day-part. Skinny’s piano chops are front and center as this song will have your body moving and if you’re in the ride with the top down cruising to the Soul of Jazz with Jamal Ahmad you better slow down because the music will take you away. This song says watch your speed limit because you can’t listen to it and sit or be still. Take it from me, Skinny has another Billboard chart topper. 

David C. Linton is Jazz 91.9 WCLK Program Director and host of Serenade To The City, heard Monday-Friday at 10pm.

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