Check out this week's edition of UPFRONT Inside the Entertainment Industry. It features my interveiws with HANDS UP directors Keith Arthur Bolden and Alexis Woodard; actor and CAU theatre professor Eric J. Little and renowned Green Book playwright and author Calvin Ramsey.
The Alliance Theatre presents The New Black Fest's HAND UP beginning October 8-31 on the Coca-Cola Hertz Stage. The show depicts the realities of Black America from the perspective of varying genders, sexual orientations, skin tones, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Directors Alexis Woodard and Keith Arthur Bolden are here to chat about working together and the timeliness of the show's message.
CAU theatre professor, actor and director Eric J. Little is here to discuss the recent Tony Awards. The show aired last weekend with honors going out to CAU's very own">Kenny Leon and a host of others. We also talk about the recent New York Times article that focuses on the current resurregence of Black Broadway productions.
Rounding out the show is my exclusive conversation with Green Book playwright and author Calvin Ramsey. He and I discuss the Green Book's role in the new Traveling While Black exhibition, which is currently located at GA Tech's Ferst Center for the Arts. We also talk about how the Asian and LGBTQ communities are taking ques from the Green Book's historical precedents.
Listen to the full, unedited version of my conversation with Calvin Ramsey below: