January 6 at 7:00 a.m. on The Local Take on Jazz 91.9 WCLK, I'll speak with Pamela Perkins Carn, coordinator for the Interfaith Children's Movement. We will talk about their work on behalf of children in the state of Georgia, as the Georgia Legislature rolls into Atlanta to do the state's business in its annual session.
Ms. Carn explains that the Interfaith Children's Movement advocates on behalf of Georgia’s children at the policy and services level by engaging faith communities in calling for justice and servicing the needs of children across Georgia. They host educational programs for faith based and community organizations.
They work with schools and parents to educate them about the law and how they can work to change laws in order to support the children in their community.
Pamela explains that we should all advocate for our children, especially the faith based community. She shares information about the Interfaith Children’s Movement Day at the Georgia State capitol on February 15th between 9am - 3pm. They will meet at Trinity United Methodist church downtown before heading to the capitol with children from throughout our community. The children have been trained on how to interact and engage with their representatives.
In addition, we talk about the ICM Fourth Annual Celebration of Children Conference which takes place on February 1. Pamela invites community members, parents, educators and the faith based community to attend. This is where you can learn about current legislation. The focus of this year’s conference includes addressing childhood trauma and creating environments that will be hopeful and provide resilience to our children.
You are also invited to attend the ICM General Meeting on Tuesday, January 9.
For more information on the Interfaith Children’s Movement.
For more information on the Celebration of Children Conference Feb. 1.
For more information on the ICM Day at the Capitol Feb. 15.