Adrian C. Douglass MD FACP is joined by Psychiatrist Dr. Eddie Clifford Beal. They'll take your phone calls, live beginning at 6pm
Adrian C. Douglass MD FACP will be joined by Endocrinologist Dr. Keisha Ellis—they'll take your calls.
Adrian C. Douglass MD FACP will be joined by Urologist Dr. Jenelle Foote to discuss this important issue and take your phone calls, live at 6pm Wednesday, September 4
Adrian C. Douglass MD FACP is joined by Endocrinologist Dr. Keisha Ellis, they'll take your calls live
Adrian C. Douglass MD FACP is joined by Physiatrist Dr. Christopher Alexander
Adrian C. Douglass MD FACP will be joined by Rheumatologist Dr. Gloria Gaston, they'll take your calls live.
Ask your questions about 'natural' versus 'traditional' medicine by calling 404-880-9255.
Adrian C. Douglass MD FACP is joined by Nephrologist Dr. Leonard Gyebi, they'll take your calls live 6pm-7pm Wednesday March 6
Join in with your calls and questions live at 404-880-9255 as we discuss Heart Month in America.
Dr. Douglass is joined by Weight Loss Specialist Dr. Alicia Shelly—they'll take your calls at 404-880-9255