Kiplyn Primus speaks with Elisabeth Omilami about Hosea Helps the community organization that has fed Atlanta since the 1970s with much more than just food.
Kiplyn Primus speaks with Elisabeth Omalimi of 4Hosea about her family business and their growth under her leadership.
This week on WCLK's The Local Take(Saturdays 8am) I talk with Afemo Omilami about Hosea Helps 16th Annual Back to School Jamboree. Mr. Omilami shares that…
This last Saturday before Thanksgiving, I reached out to Elisabeth Omilami, President and CEO of Hosea Helps about the organization's 50th year serving…
Saturday morning at 7am Kiplyn Primus speaks with Elisabeth Omilami, CEO of Hosea Helps formerly known as Hosea Feeds the Hungry, as the organization…
Hosea Feed The Hungry And Homeless has been helping people in the Atlanta Metro area for 44 years. The organization, originally created and driven by the…
Hosea Feed the Hungry extends their summer efforts of helping working families and those families who are less fortunate by hosting their annual Back to…
WCLK's Fonda Smith will be filing reports Monday morning with updates from the annual Hosea Feed The Hungry MLK Jr Day Festival Of Services at the Georgia…
Afemo and Elisabeth Omilami stopped by WCLK Saturday morning for WCLK Community Focus to talk about Hosea Feed The Hungry and Homeless' annual…