This week on The Local Take on WCLK we discuss criminal justice reform again as I speak with Community Organizaer Carla Taylor, who is working with Women on the Rise. They are holding a National Town Hall that will focus on ending the incarceration of women and girls. This event will take place on Saturday, July 21st at the IBEW Auditorium on Pulliam Street in Downtown Atlanta. Registration will begin at 11:30, there will be lunch and childcare provided.
I ask Ms. Taylor about the differences between the prison pipeline and its impact on men compared with women. We also talk about how restorative justice looks a bit different for women than it might for men. Additioanlly she speaks about women who have increased responsibilities when family members are locked up. Grandparents are often raising their grandchildren and this also impacts women's health, standard of living, and career/job prospects.
She encourages everyone to register online and bring your friends and family to the Women on the Rise National Town Hall to help end the growing incarceration rates impacting young girls and women.
For more information on Women on the Rise
Register to attend the Women on the Rise National Town Hall Ending the Incarceration of Women and Girls