Saturday morning at 8am on WCLK's The Local Take, I spoke with Glenda Gill, founder of Save a Girl, Save a World about their program to promote intergenerational communication and engagement with African American girls, young adults and women. Glenda Gill shares how she came to found Save A Girl, Save a World (SAGSAW), after hearing a keynote address from Julianne Malveaux.
She and a group of women took up a charge and worked on creating a program that was grounded in academia. The program provides young women in college with an older professional woman as a mentor. In turn the young college women mentor to high school students that live in the neighborhood surrounding their school.
The program was launched at Bennett College while Dr. Malveaux was President has been in place at Clark Atlanta University for three years. Gill explains that the triad approach provides a foundation that could build on with participants as they grew and transitioned from school to careers.
On November 14th SAGSAW will premiere the movie PUSHOUT: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools will premiere on the campus of Clark Atlanta University. Taking palce at the Carl and Mary Ware Academic Center from 6pm - 8pm. RSVP: https://
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For more information about Save A Girl, Save A World