Our PNC Black History Month programming focusing on media trailblazers closes with WCLK’s General Manager, Wendy Williams. Ms. Williams has been at the helm of WCLK for over twenty years. Her career in public media has provided her with a platform to inform the community and make a difference in the lives of many. Her initiative to start the African-American Public Media Consortium and the Jazz Music Awards has cemented her legacy as a media maven.
I asked Williams when she decided to pursue a career in media. She shares that her first career goal was to be a psychiatrist, but a counselor cautioned her against this career. Her neighbor received regular visits from an “in-law” who happened to be a news anchor; the rest is history.
Her first position after college was with a country music station, and she had a stint at an NBC affiliate. The call from public radio came as she considered returning to graduate school. She says that “public media chose me.”
She speaks about having an opportunity to work as an “interim” general manager. This allowed her to understand all of the “business” of public radio. She learned about underwriting (advertising), production, and member development. This was all she needed to know. Public media was her home.
The opportunity for the general manager’s position at WCLK came up, and several colleagues thought she’d be a great fit. She’s led the station to growth in revenue, membership, and reach. While not very active on social media, you can keep up with Williams on Facebook.