Our community theatre The Marietta Theatre in the Square along with Starr Enterprises and the Etheridge Arts Ensemble is presenting not one but two August Wilson productions in July. King Hedley II and Seven Guitars. August Wilson's canon of work covers the 20th Century with each decade depicted. Seven Guitars and King Hedley II follow the same characters and this might be the first time they are running in tandem in our community.
Nic Starr and his partner and wife Princess Starr join me to discuss this wonderful opportunity to experience both.
I ask the Starrs how they came to learn about August Wilson and the Century Cycle of plays. Nic Starr speaks about his college professor who gave him a copy of FENCES and then explained why he wasn’t ready to take on the character of Troy. Princess Starr mentions the work of the New African Grove Theater and their production of Seven Guitars in which Nic performed. Nic Starr also speaks about the commitment of the African Grove Theatre to produce each of the plays in the Century Cycle.
Seven Guitars is a prequel to King Hedley II the works involve the same family in different times. I asked the Starrs what made them think they could pull off both productions running in tandem. Princess Starr explains that she wasn’t sure about taking on the challenge. Nic Starr explains that it has always been one of his dreams.
Nic Starr goes on the explain that the “beauty of August Wilson” is that you can walk into any of the Century Cycle and be informed by your personal history “We know these people.”
I asked if they had a preference for how people should take in the two productions. He mentioned that you can take in a matinee grab a meal and come back in the evening for the next play. He also explains that it doesn’t matter which production you see first.
Seven Guitars is running July 5th - 20th King Hedley II is running July 6th - July 21st.
Tickets for Seven Guitars
Tickets for King Hedley II