Check out this week's edition of UPFRONT Inside the Entertainment Industry featuring writer and creator of The Upshaws, Regina Hicks along with POSE actor…
The Black Leadership AIDS Crisis Coalition (BLACC) powered by AIDS Healthcare Foundation, announced recently the partnership with iN-Hale Entertainment…
As part of our ongoing public conversation about the future of healthcare, this week on The Local Take I talk with Corbett Simon of Checkmate Healthcare.…
This week on The Local Take I speak with Karla Porch from the Empowerment Resource Center. I ask her about their event Take Charge. Get Tested on June…
Saturday, March 17 on The Local Take on Jazz 91.9 WCLK, Dr. Zandraetta Tims-Cook joined me in the studio to talk about HIV/AIDS Awareness Month for Women…
I talked on The Local Take on WCLK with Russell Patterson from AID Atlanta about the upcoming WORLD AIDS DAY Conference on December 1. I ask Russell to…
It was all about female empowerment last night during the “RISE Above” Campaign at the Fabulous Fox Theater’s Egyptian Ballroom. The event was free and…
This week on #UPFRONT! I got a chance to chat with New York Times bestselling author, renowned spiritual success coach and Hollywood producer DeVon…
Please join me on Sunday, August 27 at 4:30 p.m. for the Atlanta screening of the powerful drama, "90 Days" starring CAU Alumni---Nic Few. The viewing…
It gives me extreme pleasure to announce that yours truly, Ray Cornelius, will be hosting the Atlanta screening of the powerful drama “90 Days.” The…