This week on WCLK's The Local Take(Saturday mornings 8am) I speak with Ennaid Therapeutics Founder Darnisha Harrison about her company's drug ENU200. Ennaid Therapeutics made an extraordinary discovery working with their research partners at UCAM (Universidad Catolica de Murcia) in Spain.
ENU200 blocks two key proteins on COVID19. One protein allows COVID19 to enter a healthy host and the second allows COVID19 to reproduce.
She anticipates clinical trials to start in the next 4 - 6 weeks. They have joined forces with another pharmaceutical company Catalent to produce ENU200 in capsule form. The drug is hoped to be used in patients with mild, moderate or asymtomatic diagnosis. Their research shows that almost 80% of people who contract COVID19 will be in this category.
Harrison explains how she became interested in microbiolgy and always had a love for chemistry. She majored in microbiology and after college she took jobs as a scientiest at pharmaceutical companies. There she learned about drug discovery and development. She always told friends that one day she'd open her own pharmaceutical company, although she didn't remember those intentions when she actually was able to start Ennaid Therapeutics. Her work in the field showed her where discovery and development could be improved.
If ENU200 makes it beyond the clinical trials it will be a dream come true for Harrison. You can follow her progress at or on Twitter at @ENU200CuresCovid19