This week on WCLK's The Local Take(Saturdays 8am), I'm speaking with Dr. Jenny L. Jones, Dean and Professor at the Whitney M. Young, Jr. School of Social Work at Clark Atlanta University. Dr. Jones is here to discuss last year's school centennial, and a new book that has resulted.
Even though they weren't able to have a proper celebration due to COVID-19, they commemorated the occasion by publishing a book: Find A Way or Make One-A Documentary History of Clark Atlanta University (1920 - 2020) by Alma Carten, Ph.D. I ask how the book came about.
Dr. Jones explains how the book's idea began, alumni of the Whitney M. Young, Jr. School of Social Work started gathering information and documentation for the book.
I ask Dr. Jones to share what a social worker does and how community members could access their assistance.
She explains that social work is a multi-faceted discipline grounded in science. They solve problems in organizations. They work with groups and individuals for counseling. They provide resources that many may not have known about, from health to education to organization skills, social workers make a difference.
Dr. Jones shares that over 3000 proud graduates of the CAU School of Social Work over the 100 years. She speaks about the schools founding. The Whitney M. Young, Jr. School of Social Work was the first accredited school of social work in the state of Georgia. It is also the first school of social work at an HBCU.
A panel discussion about the book will be taking place via ZOOM on February 25th at 6:30 ET. For more information call 404-880-6600 or email