Check out this week's edition of UPFRONT Inside Atlanta's Entertainment Industry. It features internationally known visual artist Carrie Mae Weems,…
Check out this weekend's edition of UPFRONT Inside Atlanta's Entertainment Industry. It features author and fashion stylist Marcellas Reynolds, veteran…
Check out today’s edition of UPFRONT Inside Atlanta’s Entertainment Industry. It features my red carpet interviews from this week’s Atlanta premiere of…
Check out last weekend’s edition of UPFRONT Inside Atlanta’s Entertainment Industry. It features my exclusive black carpet interviews from the Atlanta…
What do Kanye West, Josephine Baker and Diana Ross have in common? All three of them are featured in Constance C.R. White‘s new book, How To Slay:…
Check out this week’s edition of UPFRONT Inside Atlanta’s Entertainment Industry. I recently traveled to Hollywood, CA for an NBC Press Junket and talked…