This week on WCLK's The Local Take(Saturdays 8am), I reached out to the Leadership Now Project to learn about their efforts to work with corporate America to support voting rights.
One of the organization's founders is Georgia's own Sarah Riggs Amico, a former 2020 candidate for US Senate and the Democratic Nominee for Lt Governor in 2018. She explains the organization was formed by ten female graduates of Harvard Business school in 2017. Amico says that they felt business should have a role in renewing America's civic engagement. The organization has grown to over 300 members, all with unique networks.
I ask how their coalition could get over 100 corporate leaders to attend a virtual meeting on a Saturday. She shares that the right to vote isn't a partisan issue. They were able to pull together a diverse group of corporate leaders who were eager to participate. She shares that many organizations consider civic engagement a core part of their business culture. They have received an enthusiastic response from the corporate community.
She speaks to the more than 350 voter suppression bills being considered across 47 states. She also mentioned the robust enthusiasm from voters across the political spectrum in 2020. The election had more voter participation from every segment of the nation.
I ask her how ordinary citizens can assist their organization's effort to promote voting rights. She speaks about their offices across the country, including in metro Atlanta. She asks that we all sign up for their newsletter and visit their website.
For more information on Leadership Now Project
For more information on Sarah Riggs Amico